Emergence Haiku

16 thoughts on “Emergence Haiku

      1. I feel awful say this but lovely as the poem is it is not a Haiku. A haiku has seventeen syllables and is usually is set in three lines of 5/7/5 syllables. The content was perfect beautiful. I am sorry if you know this and I hope you don’t mind me saying.💜💜

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        1. Oh gosh no, I never mind. However, maybe I miscounted something as a syllable but because I do show 17. I think perhaps you might be counting the Title Emergence. Which is a good catch!!! I meant to remove it when I posted it because the title is already in.
          I am always welcome to criticism, and know that is how we grow. But I thought you were going to say your that your real name is not Willow!! Lol! Because I have been meaning to ask. 💞


        2. I am sorry yes I was counting the title ! It is the perfect Haiku 💜💜. I am glad I have not offended you , I am always open to criticism as well it the way we learn . willow is my preferred name, you guessed not my real name. But I do use it 💜💜

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        3. That’s perfectly fine!!! You caught a boo boo any way and I am certain someone else will encounter the same challenge, if they already haven’t!!

          Looking forward to your reading new types of poetry!!!🤗


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